Frank Jogeleit Profil

About Me

Hey everyone, my name is Frank Jogeleit and I'm from Germany. I'm working at LOVOO GmbH located in Dresden, Germany as Senior Software Engineer. I work with the Go Microservices in backend environments as well as with JavaScript / Typescript and the VueJS Framework in Frontend environments. I'm using different kinds of Infrastructure and CI / CD Tooling like Jenkins, Github Actions, Docker and Kubernetes.

As Software Architect

A important part of my job as Softwareenginier is not only to know new fancy technologies, I also have to know established and working concepts for different kinds of projects. One of my favorite toolset are the concepts behind Domain Driven Design. I used it with Command Query Responsibility Segregation, Event Sourcing and Hexagonal Architecture and I am still impressed how good it works.

As some kind of DevOp

Since 2020 I'm working with Kubernetes in private projects. I created and manage a bare metal cluster with RKE and Rancher because I like the idea behind microservices. It fits well with the idea of bound contexts of Domain Driven Design but it also brings more complexity and work to get your app up and running. Kubernetes solved these problems for me and is a great environment to experiment with tools and technologies. In January I passed the CKAD exam.

CKA Badge CKAD Badge Rancher Operator Level 1 Calico Operator Level 1

As Person with freetime

I love to hike together with my dog Jürgen. I also like to watch different genres of series and play games like most other nerds.